Postcode Neighbourhood Trust Funding

Postcode Neighbourhood Trust Funding

We are very excited that our work for the next year has received funding from Postcode Neighbourhood Trust, agrant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. We are thrilled that the Trust has seen the value of our work and the...

We are Recruiting!

Acting on Impulse is offering an exciting opportunity to join our Manchester-based Christian charity as our Development Officer. We are looking to enhance our activities, and this appointment will be a key step in that process. The job has three main elements: Firstly...
Food, friendship and looking forward …

Food, friendship and looking forward …

It  was with delight that we were able to meet and have a BBQ together this summer. It’s been 2 years since we’ve been able to hold our summer BBQ. The typical British summer weather did not dampen our spirits. Conversations flowed while the sausages sizzled and...
A.O.I. has a New Website

A.O.I. has a New Website

Yes, we have a new website So why change? We have always been proud of our website which was inspiringly produced by ‘Love Creative’. But technology has moved on. The old site was not easy to edit or update. The Home page was very ‘static’...